Információ és segítségnyújtás a foglalás: Küldjön nekünk üzenetet Mi válaszolunk 24 órán belül
Get away from the city crowds and indulge yourself within the idyllic surroundings of the village Planica nad Framom on the eastern outskirts of Pohorje.
További információTourist farm Rajšp is located on a peaceful location near town Lenart and it offers private garden with a grill, a private sauna and bike rentals.
További információRooms 9751 are located in Upper Kungota, on the hill, so you will have a beautiful view of the countryside of the countryside.
További információTourist farm Kaučič is located in town Benedikt Slovenske gorice. It is situated on a hill and it offers rooms with balconies and free Wifi.
További információ