Guesthouse Čater is located in Marija Gradec 1.3 km away from the center of Laško. Guesthouse with a long tradition offers six rooms with a total of 17 beds. All rooms offer a private bathroom, LCD TV, telephone and free WiFi.
Rooms are categorized with 3 *. Guests can use the large shared covered terrace or inn on the ground floor. Pets are allowed in the rooms (surcharge).
The inn offers excellent cuisine. The offer includes a variety of homemade food, daily snacks, lunches, pizza, fish and even snails and desserts.
By the house there is a large garden with playground and basketball court. Parking for cars and buses is provided in close proximity to the guesthouse.
Children under 6 can stay for free. Children up to 12 years have a 50% discount. Guests receive a 10% discount on swimming in spa THERMANA Laško.
Laško and its surroundings offer many opportunities for an active life (swimming, spa, hiking, biking, paragliding, fishing, ...).
Alloggio, prezzi e disponibilità
Per visualizzare le camere disponibili e le relative tariffe inserisci le date di check-in e check-out.
Bivanje pri vas je bilo izredno prijetno. Osebje zelo prijazno in skrbno, okolica prijetna za bivanje z otroki. Celotna izkušnja je bila vsem zelo prijetna. Hvala!
Lokacija je ob precej prometni cesti. Zelo urejena hiša z lepim vrtom in igrali za otroke. Osebje je zelo prijazno in zajtrk je bil odličen. Ker smo samo prenočili, nismo uspeli poskusiti hišnih dobrot. Se bomo enkrat še oglasili.
As we arrived on a very hot day, we missed an air conditioner (or at least a ventillator) very much in our rooms. It would be also very good to place one refidgerator into the corridor somewhere, or minibar in the rooms to have chance to get cold drinks. Othewise the rooms which we got, were far too small for two people, but looked nice and clean, with an excellent bathroom to each. I don"t know, whether there are any rooms for tourists in the older (600 hundred years ?) part of the buliding, too, but those what we got, were much newer and unsuitable for Summer staying.
Another problem, that we were not allowed to eat lunch, or dinner, because or big birthday parties celebrated in the restaurant"s garden, but both breakfasts we found excellent.
Prijetno smo bili presenečeni nad prijaznostjo in profesjonalnostjo gostiteljev, okusnostjo in kvaliteto zajtrka ter urejenostjo sob in okolice gostišča.
Gostišče je odlično izhodišče za izlete po okolici. Imeli smo se lepo. Zelo priporočamo.
Hja vem, da bo mogoče kdo rahlo skeptičen glede vseh teh mojih najvišjih ocen... ampak - drugače pač ne gre.
In ja, res sem Vam še kako hvaležna za prelepe dneve preživete v tem Vašem okolju, saj sem se tako lahko natankala pozitivne energije in dobre volje, da sem to potem lahko "odnesla" dalje k možu, ki je bil ta čas pa na okrevanju v Zdravilišču. In v kolikor bo spet kakšna priložnost, se ponovno vidimo. Do takrat pa Vašemu celotnemu kolektivu želim vse dobro in lepo in Vam pošiljam lep (pa čeprav moker) pozdrav s Ceršaka.