Accommodations Šoštanj
In the western part of Šaleška valley along the river Paka lies Šoštanj. The place is known for Thermal Power Plant, which provides a third of all energy consumed in Slovenia. In the eastern part of Šostanj you can see the deepest lake in Slovenia - Družmirsko lake. It was established because of land subsidence above abandoned trenches of Coal Mine. Near Šoštanj you can find Topolšica Spa. Their healing water has positive effects in the treatment of respiratory disorders, milder forms of chronic cardiovascular diseases and overcome stress. In Šoštanj you can stay in hotel Vesna or several private apartments.
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Šoštanj (Celje with surroundings)
68 km
Holiday house Šoštanj 18988 can be found on the top of the hill, a few minutes from Velenje and not far from the Golte ski resort.
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Average rating for Accommodations Šoštanj is 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 guest reviews.